Start to discover the magic of TEA!

It is believed that tea-shrubs existed in China as early as five to six thousand years ago. Human cultivation of tea plants dates back to over two thousand years. Tea, silk and porcelain began to be known to the world over a thousand years ago and have been an important Chinese export product ever since. At present, tea is grown in more than forty countries all over the world. Asian countries produce 90% of the world's total output. All tea trees have their origin directly or indirectly in China.
According to Chinese mythology, the tea story begins in 2737 BC when the Chinese Emperor, Shen Nung, scholar and herbalist, sat beneath a tree while his servant boiled drinking water. A leaf from the tree dropped into the water and Shen Nung decided to try the brew. The leaf came from a wild tea tree.
From the earliest times tea was renowned for its properties as a healthy, refreshing drink. By the third century AD many stories were being told about tea and the benefits of tea drinking, but it was not until the Tang Dynasty (618 AD - 906 AD) that tea became China's national drink and the word ch'a was used to describe it. Taoists and Buddhist monks did much to promote tea and helped to give tea drinking a special, spiritual meaning. As Buddhist priests started to move around China and Japan, the spread of tea cultivation and drinking followed them.
The Indian and Japanese legends both attribute tea to Boddhidharma, the devout Buddhist priest who founded Zen Buddhism. The Indian legend tells how in the fifth year of a seven year during sleepless contemplation of Buddha he began to feel drowsy. He immediately plucked a few leaves from a nearby bush and chewed them, which dispelled his tiredness. The bush was a wild tea tree.
Arabs are alleged to be the first to mention tea outside China and Japan. They are said to have brought it to Europe via the Venetians circa 1559. To deepen this mystery of ‘tea travel', the Portuguese and the Dutch also claim the credit of bringing tea and tea drinking to Europe.
The Portuguese opened up the sea routes to China, some say as early as 1515. Sailing Jesuit priests brought the tea drinking habit back to Portugal, while the sailors manning the ships encouraged the Dutch merchants to enter the tea trade. Subsequently a regular shipment of tea to ports in France, Holland and the Baltic coast was set up in 1610. England entered the trade via the East India Company, or the John Company as it was known, in the mid to late 17th Century.
The first book on tea "Cha Ching", circa 780 AD, was written by the Chinese author Lu Yu. It comprises three volumes and covers tea from its growth through its making and drinking, to famous early tea plantations and historical summary. There are many illustrations of tea making utensils and some say that the book inspired Buddhist priests to create the Japanese tea ceremony.
In China's history, tea was not only a drink for people's daily lives, but also played an important role in the country's political and economical system. There were many important policies and events regarding the trading of tea. When tea was later introduced to the world, events which might have had a profound effect on the world's history took place.
Each of China's regions have their own tea philosophy - we can detect a hint of a gentle and delicate scent in every single movement of Chinese life. People drink tea to extinguish thirst, to become sober, to support the digestion after a heavy meal or to rise the energy level. Tea is drunk to socialize, to ‘wash' the body from inside, to stay healthy and young, to relax and to meditate. The tradition of tea is usually associated with intense moments and passion, as well as relaxation and quietude.TEA PHILOSOPHY
Tea is instant wisdom - just add water! ~Astrid Alauda
In today's hurried lifestyle, it has become even more important to find time to slow down, to stay in touch with ourselves. Tea effects in a great spiritual enjoyment. Its essential delight lies in the appreciation of its colour, aroma and taste. Tea drinkers are able to connect to nature and achieve a certain state of inner peace and harmony. They learn to live each moment in the present mode. When drinking tea, tea is all that matters. Worrying about the past or the future becomes pointless. Then, calmed down by the tea, they acquire a different perspective, perhaps they are even a little wiser as they face their daily worries and responsibilities.WHY TO DRINK TEA?
With a cup of tea in hand, enjoying the green leaves in a white porcelain cup, all you should feel is peace.
Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves
- slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.
~Thich Nat Hahn
To master the skill of performing Chinese Tea Ceremony, one needs to use all his senses. With time, we learn to concentrate and our movements become automatic, like rituals. We become able to brew our tea without really thinking. The only thing we are concentrated on is the tea itself - with no worries about the future and with no memories of the past.CHINESE TEA CEREMONY - MEDITATION OVER A CUP OF TEA
Most of the meditation techniques use the very same principle. One needs to be calm, concentrated anchored in the present moment. This is the very reason why tea brewing can bring us inner peace - it is a kind of meditation. While brewing tea in a beautiful setting and contemplating on its marvellous flavour and aroma, we can experience a meeting with our genuine Self. We become a true human. We are fulfilled with the simple happiness of a cup of tea.